Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thing #1

Hello Everyone! First Blog coming up! *drum roll*

Learning Habits 1 and 2 I already do subconsciously, I just didn't realize I did it. I set a goal, and I know that it is my responsibility to achieve that goal. I have a difficulties seeing as problems as challenges as Habit 4 advises. I have a habit of getting frustrated every time a problem happens and quitting for a few hours and then going back. However, I am currently working on that. this is probably the hardest habit for me, but I am determined to learn to see problems as challenges instead of road blocks. Habit 5 says to create your own learning toolbox. I have never thought about doing that, but I will definitely try that and see if that is something that works for me. Habit 6 is something i do often - using technology to your advantage. I use computers everyday and I am taking this class (Education 3040) so that I will learn more about computers and technology. Habit 7, I often find myself helping and mentoring others and get a small thrill in seeing the light bulb go off and almost hearing the click go off in their head. And I am going to be teaching for the rest of my life :) And habit 7 1/2, I always play. ;)

I have never heard of web 2.0 tools before this class, so I am eager to learn what the tools have to offer. I actually had fun setting up this blog as the only thing close to a blog I have is myspace. This blog was relatively easy to set up. I feel more accomplished being able to set up a blog and look forward to what the rest of the class offers.

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